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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Change My Documents Parth on Windows XP

"My documents" is the very famous file saving location in the Computer. When we click on save command on most software will give you the chance to save file on My documents directly. But normal My Documents directory is not a safe place to save your important document because it is on the same partition with Windows Operating System files. it means if we reinstall the windows on computer all files in My Documents will be deleted. Because by default My Documents is on the same partition with the Operating System.

What is the actual location of my Documents?

Can you guess it? Some time you can see the My Documents icon on desktop. It is in the Start Menu also. But the actual location is a different Place.

How we can know the actual location of My Documents?

Now we will see how to check the the actual location of My Documents. Its simple.

Right Click on My Documents then Select Properties.

Now go to Target tab of the Properties window and see tha Target folder location. Actual My Documents location will display there.

The Location is C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents

Note: admin = your log on user name. I have log into Computer using "Admin" User Account now. If you log into computer using Student User account. My document path will display as C:\
Documents and Settings\Student\My Documents.

Change My Documents in to safe Place.

According to my PC My Operating System is on C: Drive. So it is not safe to keep My documents on C: Drive. Now I am going to move My Documents into D: Drive. To do so now in target folder location I type the new location as D:\My Documents and click Ok button.

Now it will asked to create a Folder for My Documents. Click on Yes Button

Now again it will asked to confirm to move My Documents Files from C: to D:. Click on Yes Button Again. After confirl It will start to move All My Documents File to D Drive.

After File Moving Complete. My Documents No longer available in C: Drive. Now your My Documents is a safe location to save important files. For more secure your important files, please keep backup those files in to another disk such as a pen Drive or CD.

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